The Colorado Quitclaim Deed is used to transfer ownership of real estate from one party to another. This type of deed is most often used when the property is being given as a gift. The quit claim deed offers ZERO protection to the buyer (or receiver). The Colorado quit claim deed simply transfers whatever rights the holder has to the property.
The Colorado quit claim deed is seldom used in transactions between parties who do not know each other. Quit claim deeds are commonly used when property is being transferred from parents to their children or when a divorce occurs and one party is relinquishing his or her half ownership of the property to the other party.
This totally free Colorado quit claim deed is a legal instrument that is used to pass on ownership of real estate from one party to another. Since they are a fast solution to execute real estate transfers, quit claim deeds are similarly frequently called quick claim deeds. After it is signed, the deed should certainly be registered in your local tax office, country registrar’s office of deeds, or wherever property transactions are recorded in your area.
Example of Colorado Quitclaim Deed

The Colorado quit claim deed is most generally executed when real estate is changed without a typical sale. An example would be real estate being converted between family such as mothers and fathers selling a residence or giving to their kids. When one partner keeps the home and the other is relinquishing her/his rights to the property, this type of deed can at the same time be used in between separating partners. Transfers utilizing a quit claim deed do not usually need a title search or title insurance coverage.
Printable Colorado Quitclaim Deeds
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