A codicil is sometimes called a codicil to will. A codicil is an instrument that changes an existing will, however does not replace it. It permits you to alter your will without making a completely brand-new will, and needs to be signed in the specific very same handwriting as the will was signed (although the 2 witnesses do not need to be the very same 2 individuals that witnessed the person sign the initial will).
It is highly recommended that the codicil references the date of your current will so that it is clear that the codicil needs to be considered in combination with it. That codicil must be kept with the initial will if a will is changed by codicil.
A will might be modified by more than one codicil. The more codicils there are, certainly the more complex it ends up being to keep track of their results. Each subsequent codicil ought to refer clearly to the initial will and all previous codicils, and they ought to all be secured together. Or it begins to look complex– then it is time to make a brand-new will if there are more than a little number of codicils.