To file for divorce in the state of Vermont, you or your spouse must have lived in the state for at least six months. Divorces are heard by the Family Division of the Superior Court where you file.
The Family Division of the Vermont Superior Court manages all family-related legal matters including divorce, separation, civil union dissolution, and parentage. The Family Division also decides issues of child support and custody.
Vermont offers an extensive library of free online forms related to divorce. Listed are the most commonly used forms. For a complete list of available forms, visit the Vermont Judiciary website.
Example of a Vermont Divorce Paper

Vermont Divorce Papers
With No Minor Children
To file for divorce with no minor children, the following Vermont divorce papers are available. You may need additional forms as directed by the court.
Vermont Divorce Acceptance of Service
Vermont Complaint For Divorce With No Minor Children
Vermont Department of Health Record of Divorce or Annulment
Vermont Final Divorce Stipulation Property, Debt and Spousal Support
Vermont Divorce Information Sheet
Vermont Divorce Financial Affidavit
Vermont Divorce Property and Assets
Vermont Statement of Confidential Information
Vermont Notice of Appearance For Self-Represented Litigant
With Minor Children
To file for divorce with minor children, the following Vermont divorce papers are available. You may need additional forms as directed by the court.
Vermont Divorce Acceptance of Service
Vermont Complaint For Divorce With Minor Children
Vermont Department of Health Record of Divorce or Annulment
Vermont Notice of Appearance For Self-Represented Litigant
Vermont Final Divorce Stipulation Property, Debt and Spousal Support
Vermont Divorce With Children Information Sheet
Vermont Divorce With Children Financial Affidavit
Vermont Divorce With Children Financial Affidavit Property and Assets
Vermont Divorce Statement of Confidential Information
Vermont Agreement on Parental Rights and Responsibilities