In order to file for divorce in South Dakota you must claim that one of seven grounds applies to your case. The seven grounds for divorce in South Dakota are adultery, extreme cruelty, willful desertion, willful neglect, habitual intemperance, your spouse was convicted of a felony, and irreconcilable differences.
In South Dakota, irreconcilable differences is the “no fault” reason for divorce. Irreconcilable differences means the parties agree that there are substantial reasons for not continuing the marriage and the marriage should be dissolved. As a rule, both you and your spouse must agree to use irreconcilable differences as the reason for the divorce. In other words, if your spouse doesn’t agree that you have irreconcilable differences, then the case becomes a contested divorce and you must file based on one of the other grounds for divorce.
Example of a South Dakota Divorce Paper

South Dakota Divorce Papers
Additional forms as well as those listed below can be found online at the South Dakota Legal Self-Help website.
Without Minor Children
To file for divorce without minor children in South Dakota, you will need the following South Dakota divorce papers. You may not need all of the forms.
South Dakota Divorce Without Minor Children General Directions
South Dakota Divorce Complaint Without Minor Children
South Dakota Civil Case Filing
South Dakota Notice and Admission of Service of Summons and Complaint Without Children
South Dakota Financial Affidavit With Instructions
South Dakota Stipulation and Settlement Agreement Without Children
South Dakota Stipulation and Settlement Agreement Without Children Instructions
South Dakota Affidavit of Plaintiff and Defendant Without Children
South Dakota Judgment and Decree of Divorce Without Minor Children
South Dakota Divorce Papers
With Minor Children
To file for divorce with minor children in South Dakota, you will need the following South Dakota divorce papers. You may not need all of the forms.
South Dakota Divorce With Minor Children General Instructions
South Dakota Parenting Guidelines
South Dakota Civil Case Filing
South Dakota Summons Divorce With Minor Children
South Dakota Divorce Complaint With Minor Children
South Dakota DIvorce Complaint Without Minor Children
South Dakota Admission of Service of Summons
South Dakota Notice and Admission of Service of Summons & Complaint Without Children
South Dakota Financial Affidavit With Minor Children
South Dakota Stipulation and Settlement Agreement With Minor Children
South Dakota Stipulation and Settlement Agreement Without Minor Children
South Dakota Divorce Motion For Hearing
South Dakota Notice Of Hearing
South Dakota Judgment and Decree of Divorce With Minor Children
South Dakota Judgment and Decree of Divorce Without Minor Children
South Dakota Child Support Data Filing Form
South Dakota Affidavit of Defendant’s Military Status
Other forms may be required to continue or finalize your case, especially if it is contested.