To file for divorce in Ohio you must file a complaint with the Court of Common Pleas. You must have been a resident of Ohio for at least six months before filing for divorce. The court can also grant a divorce if your spouse files for divorce, and he or she has been a resident of Ohio for at least six months.
Grounds For Divorce in Ohio
Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3105 defines the reasons for which a divorce can be granted. The reasons are:
- Either party was already married at the time your marriage was legalized
- Abandonment by the other party for a year or more
- Adultery
- Extreme cruelty
- Fraudulent marriage contract
- Gross neglect of duty
- Habitual drunkenness
- Imprisonment in a state of federal correctional institution
- If one party obtains a divorce outside of Ohio
- Separation without interruption for one year
- Incompatibility (must be mutually agreed upon)
Example of Ohio Divorce Paper

Ohio Divorce Papers
Without Minor Children
To file for divorce without minor children, you will need the following Ohio divorce papers:
Ohio Complaint For Divorce Without Children
Ohio Divorce Request for Service
Ohio Divorce Affidavit of Basic Information, Income, and Expenses
Ohio Divorce Affidavit of Property and Debt
Judgment Entry – Decree of Divorce Without Children
Ohio Divorce Papers
With Minor Children
To file for divorce with children, you will need the following Ohio divorce papers:
Ohio Complaint for Divorce With Children
Ohio Divorce Parenting Proceeding Affidavit
Ohio Divorce Affidavit of Basic Information, Income and Expenses
Ohio Divorce Affidavit of Property and Debt
Ohio Divorce Health Insurance Affidavit
Ohio Divorce Request for Service
Judgment Entry – Decree of Divorce With Children
Other forms are available from the court and may be required to continue or finalize your case.