Free Printable New Hampshire Divorce Papers

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To file for divorce in New Hampshire, you must meet one of three conditions. You and your spouse must have lived in New Hampshire for more than one year; the spouse initiating the divorce must have lived in the state for more than one year; you must live in New Hampshire and your spouse can be served with the divorce papers in New Hampshire.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Divorce forms may reference “children” even if you don’t have any. To reduce unnecessary paperwork, the state uses the same forms for divorces with and without children.

Joint Petition For Divorce

If you and your spouse agree to get divorced, even if you don’t agree on the division of property and/or debts, the state recommends that file a Joint Petition for Divorce as well as a Personal Data Sheet. Filing the Joint Petition to begin the divorce avoids the cost of formal service of the court papers.

Example of a New Hampshire Divorce Paper

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New Hampshire Divorce Papers
New Hampshire Divorce Papers

New Hampshire Divorce Papers

With No Minor Children

To file for a divorce with no minor children, you will need the following New Hampshire divorce papers:

New Hampshire Joint Petition For Divorce OR

New Hampshire Petition For Divorce

New Hampshire Divorce Personal Data Sheet

New Hampshire Divorce Financial Affidavit

New Hampshire Vital Statistics Certificate of Divorce

New Hampshire Final Decree on Petition For Divorce

With Minor Children

To file for a divorce with minor children, you will need the following New Hampshire divorce papers:

New Hampshire Joint Petition For Divorce OR

New Hampshire Petition For Divorce

New Hampshire Divorce Personal Data Sheet

Certificate of Completion of Child Impact Seminar

New Hampshire Divorce Financial Affidavit

New Hampshire Vital Statistics Certificate of Divorce

New Hampshire Final Decree on Petition For Divorce

New Hampshire Uniform Support Order

New Hampshire Child Support Guidelines Worksheet