Types of Divorces in Maryland
Maryland offers two types of divorces – Absolute and Limited.
Absolute Divorce
Absolute divorce legally ends your marriage. It settles all issues, including debts and property. Once finalized, you and your ex-spouse are free to remarry.
Limited Divorce
In a limited divorce, some important issues such as debts and assets are settled, but it does not legally end your marriage. You should file for a limited divorce if you and your spouse need the court to resolve issues such as child custody or division of assets before you are eligible for an absolute divorce.
Non-Fault Divorce
Maryland offers a non-fault divorce. It can be granted if and only if you and your spouse mutually agree to end the marriage.
Example of Maryland Divorce Paper

Maryland Divorce Papers
To file for divorce you will need the following Maryland divorce papers. You may not need to file all of the forms in every case.
Maryland Complaint For Absolute Divorce Instructions
Maryland Complaint For Limited Divorce Instructions
Maryland Civil Domestic Case Information Report
Maryland General Financial Statement
Maryland Affidavit of Service Certified Mail
Maryland Certificate of Service
Maryland Request For Hearing or Proceeding
Maryland Parenting Plan Instructions
Maryland Joint Statement of the Parties Concerning Decision-Making Authority and Parenting Time
Maryland General Instructions For Family and Guardianship Forms