To initiate a divorce in the commonwealth of Kentucky, you must file a VS-300 form with the court clerk. All other self-help forms may be submitted with hand-written entries but the VS-300 form must be typed. You must complete the form online as outlined in the divorce packet. Be sure to read the instructions for completing the form. You must print this document on 25% Cotton Bond Paper with a visible watermark.
Kentucky Divorce Information
Information on filing for divorce in Kentucky as well as the forms packets listed below are available online at Appalachian Research & Defense Fund of Kentucky.
Kentucky Divorce Papers
With Minor Child(ren)
The packet is for individuals seeking a divorce from a spouse with whom they have minor children (children under 18 or 18 and still in high school). This packet contains instructions as well as the forms necessary to file for divorce and ultimately secure a divorce decree. You will NOT need all the forms.
Without Minor Child(ren)
The packet is for individuals seeking a divorce from a spouse with whom they do not have minor children (children under 18 or 18 and still in high school). This packet contains instructions as well as the forms necessary to file for divorce and ultimately secure a divorce decree. You will NOT need all the forms.
Example of a Kentucky Divorce Paper