Free Printable Illinois Divorce Papers

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To file for divorce in Illinois, either you or your spouse must have lived in Illinois for at least 90 days immediately before the filing for divorce AND there is no other divorce pending in any other state or jurisdiction.

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If your spouse is on active military service, you can ask for divorce, but the court might not be able to give you a divorce. If your minor children have not lived in Illinois for at least 6 months, the court may not be able to decide on a parenting plan for the children.

Example of an Illinois Divorce Paper

Illinois Divorce Papers
Illinois Divorce Papers

Illinois Divorce Papers

With No Minor Children

To initiate a divorce with no minor children, you will need the following Illinois divorce papers:

With Minor Children

To initiate a divorce with minor children, you will need the following Illinois divorce papers:

Other forms may be required by the court. The clerk of court will let you know if additional forms are required.