The Manufactured Home Bill of Sale documents the transfer of ownership of a manufactured home from the Seller to the Buyer. The document can be used for single wides as well as double wides. Some states issue titles to each half of a double wide so the owner should have two separate titles. See also our Mobile Home bill of sale.
Do you positively require the manufactured home bill of sale? Maybe not but you must always safeguard yourself. As the seller, why would you let somebody else take anything of value that could lawfully be traced back to you? You could have to have that bill of sale as evidence that you delivered ownership to somebody else. As the buyer, you should make sure you ask for a bill of sale. The manufactured home bill of sale will be your finest defense if there’s any doubt over the ownership or transfer of the property.
We provide the completely free manufactured home Bill of Sale in Microsoft Word as well as a free PDF form. The Word file will immediately download so inspect the folder where downloads are saved on your computer or mobile gadget. The PDF will open in a new window so you can print or download it.
Example of Manufactured Home Bill of Sale

What are fillable PDFs? A fillable PDF has actually spots called fields into which you can directly type the needed info. Just simply click the field and type in the instructed details. Our developers invested a great deal of time composing the extensive library of fillable PDFs that we provide and are actively working on adding more.
Printable Manufactured Home Bill of Sale Forms
Choose the appropriate file to acquire the manufactured home Bill of Sale in Microsoft Word free of charge. You may also create the Manufactured Home Bill of Sale using our free fillable PDF version. The PDF has fillable fields into which you can type the required information.
Printable Microsoft Word
Printable Manufactured Home Bill of Sale Word
Printable PDF
Printable Manufactured Home Bill of Sale PDF
We must definitely include the list legal terminology:
This manufactured home bill of sale was composed by a experienced and experienced business person, not an attorney or legal professional. Many states do not have legal requirements for a bill of sale unless it includes a motor vehicle, boat, or other property that involves a title provided by the buyer’s state.
We absolutely suggest having the manufactured home bill of sale notarized by a notary public, especially if you are not familiar with the other person(s) associated with the sale. The notary will validate the identity of both the prospective buyer and the seller so both parties are more worry-free completing the sale.
The manufactured home bill of sale and other legal forms readily available on this website are offered “as is” with no express or indicated warranties of any type of kind. This consists of, but is not restricted to, warranty of fitness for any sort of specific usage or warranty of merchantability. It is your duty to figure out if the manufactured home Bill of Sale is lawfully sufficient for your requirements.
By obtaining or using the manufactured home bill of sale, you assume all accountabilities and risks for using the file. We do not assume any type of legal responsibility or liability for the accuracy or effectiveness of this legal form. We will not be accountable for damages or monetary compensation, whether direct, indirect, or incidental, arising from the loss of usage or revenue developing out of or in connection with the usage or execution of the manufactured home bill of sale or any kind of other legal form or kind template made available on this web site.
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