Free Printable Bill of Sale For Arizona

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This Bill of Sale For Arizona is totally free, as are all of our bill of sale forms. The bill of sale for Arizona can be utilized to document the transfer of ownership of most personal property from the seller to the buyer. If you are selling a car, in addition to the bill of sale, you will need to sign the title over to the buyer in order for the buyer to register the vehicle.

If you sell items on a regular basis, our complimentary Bill of Sale For Arizona will save you a ton of work. As soon as you customize the document with your seller details, you can save the template and reuse it for future sales. Merely enter the purchaser’s details together with the information of the item being sold, then print the finished bill of sale.

The PDF version of the Bill of Sale For Arizona is a fillable PDF. You can type the needed information straight into the document and avoid having to re-enter the seller’s information each time you make a sale. In order to use the template as a fillable PDF, you will need PDF reader software application installed on your computer system or mobile phone.

Example of Bill of Sale For Arizona

Free Bill of Sale For Arizona
Free Bill of Sale For Arizona
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Printable Bill of Sale Forms For Arizona

Select the appropriate file listed to download the Bill of Sale For Arizona template in either Microsoft Word or fillable PDF. Both versions are free.

Printable PDF

Free Printable Bill of Sale For Arizona PDF

Printable Microsoft Word

Free Printable Bill of Sale For Arizona WORD

When should I sign the bill of sale for Arizona?

Do not sign the bill of sale until both parties are ready to transfer ownership of the item. Normally this is when the buyer forwards payment to the seller. Sellers should not sign the bill of sale until they have payment in hand. Buyers should not sign the bill of sale until they receive the property being purchased.

Should I keep a copy of the bill of sale for Arizona?

The best option is to create two bills of sale. Give one original bill of sale to the buyer, and keep the other original for yourself. You could sign one form and make a copy but the best option is to prepare and sign two separate originals.

As the seller, it is imperative that you verify the buyer’s identity and retain a copy of the bill of sale. Let’s say you sell a car. Two hours later the police knock on your door and inform you that the car hit a pedestrian and left the scene of the accident. You’d better hope you have a copy of the bill of sale to prove you sold that vehicle!

Our bill of sale forms are offered in both Word and PDF format . Either version can be downloaded and printed free of charge. Most of the PDFs are fillable, meaning you can type the information directly into the form. Fillable PDFs take all the guesswork out of which information goes on what line.

Some states require that a bill of sale form be notarized if it involves the sale of a car, boat, or other items that are obligated to be registered or titled with the state. Check with the local office where you will be registering the belongings to see if the bill of sale form needs to be notarized. If you are not familiar with the purchaser or seller, you should most likely have the documentation notarized.