A New Hampshire will and testament is a legal document that is used by a person (referred to as the “testator”) to guarantee that their estate is divided in the appropriate manner upon their passing. A testator has the ability to decide how their personal property, real estate, financial resources, and even cryptocurrency should be distributed among their family members, friends, and charitable organizations to receive their inheritance.
Our New Hampshire Wills are printable and downloadable, allowing you to amend or personalize the document. We offer wills for those with and without children, as well as those who are single, married, or remarried. We also provide a customized will for grandparents.
State Statute Governing New Hampshire Wills
New Hampshire Revised Statutes Title LVI Chapter 551
New Hampshire Will Age Requirements
Age Requirements: Every person of the age of eighteen years and married persons under 18, of sane mind, may devise and dispose of their property, real and personal, and of any right or interest they may have in any property, by their last will in writing. 1
New Hampshire Will Signing Requirements
Will Signing Requirements: The will must be in writing and be signed by the testator, or by some person at his or her express direction in his or her presence.
New Hampshire Will Witness Requirements
Will Witnessing Requirements: The will must be signed by two or more credible witnesses, who shall, at the request of the testator and in the testator’s presence, attest to the testator’s signature.
New Hampshire Self-Proved Wills
In order for the will to qualify as self-proved, the signatures of the testator and witnesses shall be followed by a sworn acknowledgment made before a notary public or justice of the peace or other official authorized to administer oaths in the place of execution.
Example of New Hampshire Last Will and Testament

Printable New Hampshire Last Will and Testament Forms
Printable Microsoft Word
Printable New Hampshire Last Will and Testament Microsoft Word
Printable PDF
Printable New Hampshire Last Will and Testament PDF
Other Printable New Hampshire Last Will and Testament Forms

Printable Joint Will For Married Couple
Printable Simple Will For Married Person
Printable Simple Will For Single Person
Printable Will For Grandparent
Printable Will For Married Person With Children
Printable Will For Remarried Person With Children
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