The Indiana last will and testament, commonly referred to as a “will”, is a legal document that outlines a person’s desires regarding the handling of their assets, the upbringing of their children, and other matters after their passing. A personal representative, also known as an executor, is a responsible individual appointed by the testator to oversee the distribution of the estate in compliance with the terms outlined in the will.
Making a will is a crucial step in the estate planning procedure. A last will and testament is a legal document that names the guardian of your minor children and states your wishes for the distribution of your assets upon your death. In most states, a will can be made by anyone who is at least eighteen years old. Some states also allow emancipated minors to create a will.
State Code Governing Indiana Wills
Indiana Code IC Title 29 Article 1 Chapter 5
Indiana Will Age Requirements
Age Requirements: Any person of sound mind who is eighteen (18) years of age or older, or who is younger and a member of the armed forces, or of the merchant marine of the United States, or its allies, may make a will.
Indiana Will Signing Requirements
Will Signing Requirements: Unless nuncupative, the will must be executed in writing.
Indiana Self-Proved Wills
Indiana allows self-proved wills. The will must be signed by the testator and attested by two witness, and notarized by an officer authorized to administer oaths under the laws of Indiana.1
Indiana Will Witness Requirements
Will Witnessing Requirements: The will must be attested by at least two disinterested witnesses. The witnesses must and not named as a beneficiary in the will. The witnesses may be named in the will as the executor or a guardian but not as a beneficiary.
Indiana Nuncupative Will
A nuncupative will may be made only by a person in imminent peril of death, whether from illness or otherwise, and shall be valid only if the testator died as a result of the impending peril. See the Indiana Code for more specific requirements for this type of will.
Example of Indiana Last Will and Testament

Printable Indiana Last Will and Testament Forms
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Printable Indiana Last Will and Testament PDF
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