The Arizona last will and testament is an official document that expresses the last wishes of the testator (person executing the will) for the disposition of their belongings in the event of their death. A testator can leave cash on hand, life insurance policies, real and personal property, fiduciary assets, and any other element of their estate to selected beneficiaries by creating a will. The will can include specific instructions for the care of children and/or pets.
A vital stage in the estate planning process is writing a will. A last will and testament, also referred to as just a will, is a legal document that outlines your desires for the disposition of your possessions after your death and appoints a guardian for any minor children. Anyone who is at least eighteen years old is eligible to make a will.
Arizona Will Witness Requirements
Will Witnessing Requirements: Two persons must witness the testator signing the will. In general the witnesses must be competent, may not be named as a beneficiary in the will, and may not be related to the testator by blood, marriage, or adoption. 3
Arizona Self-Proved Wills
Arizona allows self-proved wills. “Any will may be simultaneously executed, attested, and made self-proved, by acknowledgment thereof by the testator and affidavits of the witnesses, each made before an officer authorized to administer oaths under the laws of the state where execution occurs and evidenced by the officer’s certificate, under official seal…” 4
Revoking An Arizona Will
An Arizona will can be revoked by codicil or by the testator creating a subsequent will. Arizona statute specifies that a will can be revoked by burning, tearing, canceling, obliterating, rendering unreadable or destroying the will or any part of it. If the physical act is by someone other than the testator, consent and direction of the testator must be proved by at least two witnesses. 5
Summary of Arizona Will Requirements
Anyone 18 years of age or older and of sound mind can create and sign a will in Arizona. The will must be witnessed by two persons meeting the prescribed requirements and having no financial interest in the will or related to the testator. If the will is notarized, it is considered to be self-proved.
Printable Arizona Last Will and Testament Forms
Printable Microsoft Word
Printable Arizona Last Will and Testament Microsoft Word
Printable PDF
Printable Arizona Last Will and Testament PDF
Example of an Arizona Will

Other Printable Arizona Last Will and Testament Forms

Printable Joint Will For Married Couple
Printable Simple Will For Married Person
Printable Simple Will For Single Person
Printable Will For Grandparent
Printable Will For Married Person With Children
Printable Will For Remarried Person With Children
- Arizona RSA § 14-2502 ↩︎
- Arizona RSA § 14-2502 ↩︎
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- Arizona RSA § 14-2507 ↩︎
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