Free Printable Connecticut Will Forms

The Connecticut last will and testament, which is a legal document, gives a person known as the testator the opportunity to specify how they want their real estate, personal property, and fiduciary assets to be distributed after their passing. Making a will guarantees that all assets will be distributed among family members, friends, pets, charitable organizations, or anyone else the testator chooses as a beneficiary in line with their wishes.

Connecticut Statute Governing Wills

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Connecticut Statutes Chapter 802a

Connecticut Will Age Requirements

Age Requirements: Any person eighteen years of age or older, and of sound mind, may dispose of his or her estate by will. 1

Connecticut Will Signing Requirements

Will Signing Requirements: A will or codicil must be in writing, subscribed by the testator and attested by two witnesses, each of them subscribing in the testator’s presence; but any will executed according to the laws of the state or country where it was executed may be admitted to probate in this state and shall be effectual to pass any property of the testator situated in this state. 2

Connecticut Will Witness Requirements

Will Witnessing Requirements: The will should be attested by two witnesses, each of them subscribing in the testator’s presence.

Revoking A Connecticut Will

Except under limited circumstances, a will or codicil can be revoked only by burning, cancelling, tearing or obliterating it by the testator or by some person in the testator’s presence by the testator’s direction, or by a later will or codicil. 3

Summary of Connecticut Will Requirements

Anyone 18 years of age or older and of sound mind can write and sign a will in Connecticut. The will should be witnessed by two persons. The will can be revoked only by the testator destroying it, by subsequent will, or by codicil.

Example of a Connecticut Will

Connecticut Last Will and Testament Forms
Connecticut Last Will and Testament Forms

Printable Connecticut Last Will and Testament Forms

Printable Microsoft Word

Printable Connecticut Last Will and Testament Microsoft Word

Printable PDF

Printable Connecticut Last Will and Testament PDF

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  1. Connecticut Statutes Chapter 802a Section 45a-250 ↩︎
  2. Connecticut Statutes Chapter 802a Section 45a-251 ↩︎
  3. Connecticut Statutes Chapter 802a Section 45a-257 ↩︎

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