Free Printable Advance Healthcare Directive Forms

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An Advance Directive for Health Care detail the type of health care you do or do not want when you can’t make decisions for yourself. You should also appoint someone who can legally act on your behalf to make sure your wishes are carried out.

States have designated forms for these, making it simple for medical professionals to understand the purpose of the document. States refer to their advance directive forms using a variety of terms, which further complicates matters. Click the state name in the table at the bottom of this page to access information for your specific state.

Example of Advance Health Care Directive

Advance Health Care Directive
Advance Healthcare Directive
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What is an advance directive for health care?

Advance directive is the general term that refers to the various documents that could include a living will, instruction directive, health care proxy or health care power of attorney.

  • A living will alerts medical professionals and your family to the treatments you want to receive or refuse. In most states, this document only comes into effect if you meet specific medical criteria and are unable to make decisions.
  • In a health care power of attorney (or health care proxy), you select the family member or trusted friend you want to make health care decisions for you when you are unable to do so. In this document, you should give directions to the person you select as your spokesperson (or health care agent or proxy) about the full range of care you want. It is very important that you talk about your health care wishes with the person to whom you are giving legal authority.

The Advance Healthcare Directive forms listed can be used in most states. These are generic forms and are generally easier to complete than the forms provided by states. For the advance directive for health for your state, click the state name in the chart further down the page.

Printable Advance Healthcare Directives By State

Printable Alabama Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Alaska Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Arizona Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Arkansas Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable California Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Colorado Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Connecticut Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Delaware Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Florida Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Georgia Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Hawaii Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Idaho Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Illinois Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Indiana Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Iowa Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Kansas Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Kentucky Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Louisiana Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Maine Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Maryland Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Massachusetts Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Michigan Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Minnesota Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Mississippi Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Missouri Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Montana Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Nebraska Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Nevada Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable New Hampshire Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable New Jersey Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable New Mexico Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable New York Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable North Carolina Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable North Dakota Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Ohio Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Oklahoma Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Oregon Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Pennsylvania Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Rhode Island Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable South Carolina Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable South Dakota Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Tennessee Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Texas Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Utah Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Vermont Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Virginia Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Washington Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable West Virginia Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Wisconsin Advance Healthcare Directive

Printable Wyoming Advance Healthcare Directive

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